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Syd Barrett Page
This Page is dedicated to the original member of Pink Floyd, and without him,
They would have never made it big. Roger "Syd" Barret was a cambridge buddy of
Roger Waters, and they formed a couple garage bands, in a way, smaller versions
of Pink Floyd. The names include, "Screaming Abdabs", "Architecture Abdabs",
and "Megadeaths" Roger was schizophrenic and he wasnt treated. His mother
treated him like a genius and never really paid attention to him. When he joined
The 60's Pop club scene, he was introduced the mind-boggling drugs. There is
a DVD release called "Syd Barrett's First Trip" Which is home video of Syd
Barrett first being introduced to acid. where he does very strange things due
to the effect of the drug. The combination of the drugs and being schizophrenic,
Syd startred to deteriorate. There is a famous video in the Syd Barrett
community when Pink Floyd in the early years were featured on American Bandstand
they played "Apples and Oranges" an early single. It was played by tape and they
lipsynched. Syd could barely even do it, he was so mentally deteriorated, he
couldnt evern perform actions like that. Around that time, It was after their
first album "Piper at he Gates of Dawn" A masterpiece in many respects. Around
that time they were beginning really time demanding recording schedules. Syd
then introdcued Roger Waters to David Gilmour, another friend fom Cambridge and
he was also a musician. soon ,Dave started to attend recording sessions more and
more, after a while, Syd wasnt geting brought to the sessions, and Dave
was practically replacing him. There is a story, true or not, i dont care, that
there were days that Syd would sit outside of the recording studio and just wait
for them to invite him in, and they never did. It was really a sad time and a
tough descision just the same. Mostly a good one, because if he continued his
schedule that he had, he would have probably had a mental breakdown. After
he left the band, he moved in with his mother for a theraputic time. He absorbed
himself in writing and painting, the latter alot more. later on, around the
early eighties, his mother died and he lived in the house alone. Nephew of Syd
was quoted as saying he was really quiet and never took charge in social
situations. He never talked about his past and never wanted to. Nowadays Syd lives
in tranquility in England and was spotted last in 1990, which this picture shows
him walking down the street. The home page of this site has a picture of him
near the end of him musical career, at his flat.

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